Gender disparities in the credit irregularity rate as a structural phenomenon: Evidence for Argentina

Working papers | 2023 | N 110



Credit risk, Gender stereotypes, Economics of gender, Prospect theory, Behavioural


The literature that provides structural explanations for the differences in behavior between genders and that contributes to the understanding of the lower late payment attributable to women covers various areas, such as sociology, psychology, law and economics. Although there are still critical gaps in this area of knowledge, the internalization of gender roles as own standards emerges as a common factor in the various explanations provided by the literature. The study investigates whether the emergence of Covid-19 altered the usual performance of the risk of late payment in the payment of financial obligations by gender in Argentina. Using unique registry data, the work provides new empirical evidence about the structural nature of gender-divergent behavior in the fulfillment of financial obligations.

JEL classification: D14; D91; J16

Portada documento de trabajo 110



How to Cite

Cuccaro, L. (2023). Gender disparities in the credit irregularity rate as a structural phenomenon: Evidence for Argentina: Working papers | 2023 | N 110. Working papers. retrieved from


