Code of Conduct and Good Practices

Ensayos Económicos adheres to the Guidelines for Ethical Behavior in Social Sciences and Humanities of CONICET (Resolution No. 2857, December 11, 2006) and the Guidelines on Good Publication Practice of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Editorial committee, Editors, reviewers and authors are expected to follow the guidelines and good practices set out in these codes.

Responsibilities of the Editor and the Editorial Committee

  • To ensure the quality of the work published, following an objective criterion at all times.
  • To inform authors about the stage in which their papers are, review results and the criteria applied.
  • To refrain from disclosing the identity of authors and reviewers or any information derived from a paper sent to the journal prior to its publication.
  • To refrain from disseminating any content of unselected papers or from using it for their own benefit or for the BCRA´s benefit without the author´s consent.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers

  • To apply clear and objective criteria to their reviews, accounting for their comments and overall assessment of papers.
  • To preserve the confidentiality of the papers reviewed, and refrain from discussing or commenting on them with third parties during the period of review.
  • To report any potential plagiarism in the papers under review.
  • To excuse themselves upon conflicts of interests.
  • To refrain from using papers during review, selection and publication periods.

Responsibilities of Authors

  • To ensure the genuineness of the data included in their papers, and that they have been obtained ethically and in good faith..
  • To submit original papers that have neither been previously published in other journals nor sent simultaneously to them.
  • To avoid any form of plagiarism, whether partial or total (see Plagiarism Detection).
  • To submit papers in the requested format along with any additional material necessary for editing, should they be published (see Guidelines for the Submission of Papers).